Sunday, April 10, 2011

TUF Progress So Far

dan and i have started working toward manifesting ourselves as Totally Urban Farmers.  here we have a pictoral history thus far...........

here is the small container garden we have started.  the idea is to get these plants (and maybe a few more in the near future) going now, so that we can plant them in a bigger garden once we get the compost really happening.  the house has full frontal southern exposure, and good light in this area and around the southeast corner of the lawn, so these are the best places we've come up with for the garden so far.  the back yard is heavily shaded in the summertime, so it will be great for chickens and compost, but not so great for vegetable gardening.
 there's already a tiny anaheim pepper going, and both tomato plants have tomatoes on 'em!

 this is the frame for the chicken coop, to be attached to the chicken run.  our whole coop will have to account for the steep gradient of our back yard.

this is the only way to REALLY level a chicken coop!

our coop will be about 4x4x6, with three nesting boxes, ventilation and external access to the nesting boxes for egg collection (outside eggcess?)
the next step will be to figure out how to level the run and attach it to the coop!  the run will be 4x4x12, and eventually the compost bin will be in the corner of the yard close to the end of the run.  The run panels will be hinged for easy cleaning access. 
so far, so fun!

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